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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
12.04.2021, 21:01
Unable to login to affiliate account - blank page
please let me know - is it just me or does anyone else have this problem https://www.loom.com/share/68137b5969724a19953b339593f2afcc ? if I have, t...
5 replies
12.04.2021, 16:40
Monobank payment in installments
Order http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1926688/edit/ 2 sub-processes were created from it to pay in installments http:...
13 replies
12.04.2021, 16:20
Evaluate the rework of the action Copy the value of the additional process product field to the additional process field
Good afternoon! In the table of process products there is an additional field of the process product with the drop-down multilist type, and there i...
2 answer
12.04.2021, 16:10
The client is not pulled up to create a New mail invoice
When I try to create an invoice for new mail, I get the error "Failed to create TTN. Recipient not found" When trying to manually find a...
How to remove a product from Product Analogues?
in the table there is only the option to Remove from the list and mark as deleted, but I just need to remove Analogs from some products.
9 replies
12.04.2021, 16:04
Chomus on dekilka time to go through the stage of new mail
Chomus on a dekіlka time to go through the stage of a new mail, which may automatically pass 1 time https://crm.tdp.com.ua/admin/customorder/order...
1 answer
There is no automatic clock action "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)"
There is no automatic hourly action "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)" in the list did something change in the export settings?...
3 answer
12.04.2021, 14:16
Bug on the completed task
Good afternoon! Previously ordered the following revision - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/7675-v-deystvii-quotpromua-...
1 answer
12.04.2021, 11:44
Integration with WIX
https://apix-drive.com/ua/wix-com-api How many hours does it take to integrate with this platform?
4 answer
12.04.2021, 09:54
Unloading an order from Opencart
Hello, such a question on opencart, according to this checkbox , if there is an image in the suborder_img field, should it be uploaded in the comm...