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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

1 answer
Not sending email via Unisender
box https://exampleos.1box.link/ https://exampleos.1box.link/app/unisender/settings/ The integration with Unisender is set up and in the integratio...
5 replies
Can we improve the settings in the mass mailing application?
When sending a letter from Thunderbird - you can set the "read receipt notification" setting. Thus, if a person has read, a technical let...
10 replies
Mass mailing and file nesting
Now when creating a mass mailing choose file it is added as a link to the file but is it possible to make the file added as an attachment? So th...
1 answer
03.02.2022, 11:50
Integrations stopped working in the Mail app
Already working integrations have flown down after trying to connect additional integrations. The settings for working integrations did not change....
3 answer
Refinement of the dispatch table - how many hours?
There is such a module There is information in the mail And you can make it so that when you click, a regular format table opens 1. date of dispa...
20 replies
27.01.2022, 15:49
Integration with sendpulse
Is it possible to set up the creation of a process in the box, according to the notification received by mail in the box (to create a chat in the W...
1 answer
Strange display of mass mailings
The client had a scheduled mailing - https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/app/mailplan/28/ . She was assigned the status "Error", although the send...
6 replies
25.01.2022, 09:37
Revising the template before sending
Is it possible to edit the email template for clients to make changes before sending it? Provide such an opportunity for the sales manager,
Mailbox integration error
Knocks out an error in synchronization with mails. Sends letters from CRM. Sends constant errors to ate. mail. IMAP: Connection failed to mmastyle....
1 answer
19.01.2022, 17:04
Regarding the integration of CRM with Google mail
Good afternoon, I have the following question: When sending letters through the CRM system, we noticed the following - some letters end up in the r...