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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

4 answer
05.07.2022, 08:40
gmail integration integration error
Good afternoon! Throws an error with gmail integration: "IMAP Status: Not OK ([AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure) Too many lo...
5 replies
22.06.2022, 11:39
Some strange item in the mail settings
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/email/ some incomprehensible item of non-existent mail (Fig. 1) while if you click on the settings, then there ...
gmail integration
Hello, I'm getting the following error. Email IMAP integration error хххххххххх@gmail.com "IMAP Status: Not OK ([CLOSED] IMAP connection b...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
20.06.2022, 16:29
Password recovery
When logging in and recovering the password, the password and login were sent to the mail in the subject of the letter https://om24.1b.app/admin/lo...
9 replies
20.06.2022, 16:09
Emails are not sent
Here (Fig. 1) writes that according to the settings everything is OK and everything is displayed normally. But after sending any letter, nothing c...
there is no way to remove the message from the queue for sending
Right here https://akmp.com.ua/app/report/massemailsend/ Previously, it was possible to select and deselect selected emails from sending but now y...
1 answer
17.06.2022, 07:04
gmail integration error
Good afternoon! Throws an error with gmail integration: "IMAP Status: Not OK ([AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure) Too many lo...
3 answer
15.06.2022, 13:02
Events are not generated from mail
box https://japanautoparts.1b.app/ Events are not generated from mail
4 answer
08.06.2022, 13:24
Post Not Working IMAP Status: NOT OK problem with two-factor
Email does not work IMAP status: NOT OK ([AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure) Too many login failures) apparently a problem with tw...
3 answer
gmail integration error
Hi! my box http://crm.zakazknig.com.ua/ It seems that Google decided to secure my account and disabled my wpolshe@zakazknig.pl mail synchronization...