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List of related questions and answers «Utilities and settings»

2 answer
06.11.2023, 00:34
Since yesterday, process pages have been loading slowly. Some kind of glitch in the telegram + integration settings, the processGeoCoder process appeared in a minute crown
The processGeoCoder process appeared in a minute, and if it existed, it began to take the longest to work. What is it connected to, Google? Integra...
1 answer
04.11.2023, 15:16
The website of the online store and CRM chekhol.com.ua is unavailable
Error 502 Bad Gateway at this time there is a huge number of requests to the database https://prnt.sc/5hON4P7PuGZi This is the second time in 2 days.
Minute cron stuck
Good afternoon Minute cron stuck https://pl-tyres.1b.app/app/system-statistic/ can you see what's wrong? Thanks in advance
2 answer
29.10.2023, 14:30
Statistics for more than 30 days ago in the load control panel are erased
Tell me, is this some kind of planned update or for some other reason statistics are not available more than 30 days ago?
6 replies
26.10.2023, 22:57
KRON died one hour
Vita. the hourly crown does not work
2 answer
25.10.2023, 14:22
One box freezes for all robotics and on different devices 500 error
From time to time a 500 error appears and one box freezes
SSL certificate
Good afternoon I need to change my SSL certificate expires in 10 days, the seller said I can’t just renew it, it will be like buying a new one. Tho...
2 answer
12.10.2023, 17:09
Out of disk space
Good day, Dear colleagues, it is necessary to clean the disk, because there is no space. Also can delete all proes from 2019 to 2021 - free up a lo...
Can someone explain how data is calculated on the "For data" tariff. There were several uploads and downloads of an excel file up to 1 Mb. The tari...
3 answer
05.10.2023, 10:42
The project was not restored
Good afternoon I started to restore the project, but it did not recover.