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List of related questions and answers «Utilities and settings»

3 answer
03.11.2020, 15:39
The client cannot access the forum
Previously, the client got to the forum without any problems under his data. Can't access the forum now, resetting the password doesn't hel...
12 replies
03.11.2020, 14:31
Export Excel products
After unloading all the products in Excel, export does not work and an e-mail does not come with a link to the https://prnt.sc/vck3ja file If you u...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
03.11.2020, 09:14
Client's office
The client registers by phone. Enter login and password. Enter activation code. In the activation code, I did not recognize any character "I&q...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
03.11.2020, 00:16
No goods (products) are available in the personal account for the client
Client https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/users/1180/ Comes here https://prnt.sc/vc5vzi and there are no products If you log in with admin rights, every...
send form sms notification
Hello. Is it possible to send the form via SMS notification?
4 answer
02.11.2020, 09:31
Images and their names
Good afternoon. Question about image titles for products. Synchronized CRM with our online store. For example, a photo for a product - https://vuok...
What is a "Handler class"?
There is such a field as "Class handler" in the settings. What is it and how to use it? One handler class I know only - New mail. The res...
7 replies
30.10.2020, 16:07
Variables in SMS template
Is there any variable that is responsible for substituting a specific phone number in the SMS, depending on the operator of the client number? For ...
8 replies
30.10.2020, 15:26
Sending SMS upon receipt of funds
Hello, I set up an automatic action that should send a "thank you for the payment" message every day at 15:00. It's 15:24 now, http:/...
5 replies
29.10.2020, 22:14
Flew completion on sending automessages
Hello, once again there was a failure in finalization, section 2 automatic actions once an hour", here is a screen from one of those tasks tha...