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List of related questions and answers «User and Access Management»

2 answer
04.09.2023, 18:29
How to display an employee or responsible person in the list of orders
Hello. Tell me how you can display the process manager in the table of the list of all orders? Thank you
It is not possible to authorize all employees
Good morning! Today, when trying to log in, the following message was received: "Incorrect combination of login and password." http://prntscr.com/4...
2 answer
31.07.2023, 15:04
how to close access to all to all fields in a table view?
Hello. Please tell me. Already fixed the question https://1b.app/ru/forum/users-and-access-management/16591-kak-zakrit-dostup-vsem...
10 replies
Personal license
12.07.2023, 10:21
Rate the add-on for access rights
1) It is necessary to be able to remove the bottom summary blocks https://i.imgur.com/HzC56Qg.png for certain users of the system in the Payments a...
Adding Users
Hello! Knocks out an error when adding a new employee (through the link he registers himself). Admin added it manually, still can't log in.
I can’t log into my account for a week now, I’ve been trying both through the password and through the telephone code it doesn’t work
Writes Safari cannot connect the server - no access to the specified URL
3 answer
24.06.2023, 12:57
New reports do not appear and old reports are not deleted in Permissions
Unable to set access rights to a new report for an employee. The report does not appear in the list in Permissions. Also, deleted reports do not ...
2 answer
A bug with access rights, it is impossible to open access to a certain action!
Good day. I bring the screens. Does not open access to the "send" button (it is necessary to send to the export file, that is, to export bonuses...
3 answer
The "send to" button is not displayed in the "accounting tables" application
Screen 1 - the manager must have access to the send button, namely, go to the contact card, send to accounting tables, and from there send to file ...
3 answer
13.06.2023, 16:34
I can't enter the box
I can't enter the box pandaopt.1box.link, gives