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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

on will load orders from Prom
Orders stopped loading from prom
14 replies
06.06.2023, 15:46
Setting up automation for receiving messages from Prom.ua
In the box https://topbox.1b.app/desktop/ in automation once a minute https://topbox.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/ set up an action that s...
3 answer
02.06.2023, 14:23
How to make sure the availability of a product is tightened through an xml link
There is a presence of suppliers which is tightened through xml links. One of the links stopped working. It was disabled, but the presence remains ...
2 answer
Personal license
25.05.2023, 14:34
Obtaining the availability of goods from the supplier Brain
help to understand: here is a product in stock https://brain.com.ua/ukr/Bagatofunktionalniy_pristriy_Canon_i-SENSYS_MF237w_c_Wi...
3 answer
24.05.2023, 11:24
Explain the structure of the directory "Values of filters of categories Socket" (because there are disagreements with the logic in the socket cabinet)
The system has a directory "Rozetka filter values" that works on the basis of automation "Rozetka category filter values" And here there is a cer...
4 answer
17.05.2023, 17:31
What application can be used to make a price list for wholesale customers to sell their goods?
What application can be used to make a price list for wholesale customers to sell their goods?
4 answer
Personal license
11.05.2023, 18:11
Import the value of the "do not call back" field in the prom order
Here https://public-api.docs.prom.ua/#/Orders/get_orders__id_ https://rivcont.info/app/automatization/minute/edit/ in the action "PromUA / Import o...
4 answer
08.05.2023, 16:51
Integration stopped working.
Error 500
1 answer
20.04.2023, 16:16
In the automation Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua) we write a bracket in the name of the parameter, but there is no bracket in XML
That is, in the settings, we indicate that the system adds a new parameter to the file Its name is "Sklad (Ukrainian)", but for some reason the par...
6 replies
17.04.2023, 17:28
How to make a markup in % + amount
Hello. How to make a markup on a product so that it adds a percentage and an integer number together? For example, 20% + 60 UAH. ? Not through an a...