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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

1 answer
22.02.2022, 13:27
Vendor price not loading
https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/supplier/import/ Choose iherb supplier, price file in attachment Click download and gives an error could not recognize t...
1 answer
Stopped working today : PROM stopped uploading orders to ONEBOX today
Orders are received via ▶Automatic actions once per minute ▶▶PromUA / Import orders from XML But somewhere since 8 am today, orders have stopped be...
1 answer
19.02.2022, 09:35
When importing a supplier's price list via yml, how can I specify the supplier's price?
There are 2 settings for importing data via yml suppliers have some goods in hryvnia, some in dollars - all this gets into the data about the suppl...
15 replies
18.02.2022, 13:08
Import from Prom.ua to OneBox
Guys, tell me how to load the "Unique_identifier" of the product (Only it and nothing else) in the additional product field from Prom.ua ...
1 answer
If there is a brand, search by SKU and brand at the same time instead of searching purely by SKU
Good day! We bought a donation https://toster.1b.app/ and paid a special price. Mi posterіgaєmo that it won’t work with a proper rank, so that you ...
Orders do not come from Rozetka
Good afternoon. Orders stopped coming from the Rozetka marketplace to Box. How to solve this problem?
2 answer
16.02.2022, 17:00
The process does not work for the postal manager
There is no process for the post-employee for help "Create a process for the post-employee", as the business process is not indicated in ...
1 answer
Automation with Brain
1) Do not update the brandy at the hour of updating the data of the postal worker. The story is like this: the brand was overwritten for the hour o...
5 replies
Integration with F.ua
Is there a ready-made application for working with F.ua or at least for creating an xml file in a given structure?
4 answer
15.02.2022, 11:50
Action needed to be improved
Good afternoon. It is necessary to refine the already existing action "Sending the price list to the client once a day", with the help of...