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Improvement of functionality
Good day! This request was estimated at 1 hour. https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-online-stores/17451-vivid-na-sayt-arti... Bil...
2 answer
29.06.2022, 20:27
Responsive banner on the main page in the online store module
At once, when viewed on a desktop, the banner on the main (in the carousel) appears behind the size grid in the required size, and in the browser o...
1 answer
11.03.2022, 08:14
Installing the store (onebox shop) on the boxed version. Not OS
Good afternoon! How much will this service cost? You will also need advice on setting up functions and possible support.
12 replies
Product filter and supplier integration
Good afternoon. The site (domovoy.pl.ua) has several questions for improvement 1. After importing product cards, the filters are duplicated many ti...