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List of related questions and answers «Server Utilities»

5 replies
05.07.2022, 13:40
Install SSL certificate
We have expired https://box.ltec.com.ua/desktop/ SSL certificate. You need to install a new one. But for its release, you need to place a verificat...
5 replies
The system started to work slowly
Here are the stats Everything seems to be ok in terms of indicators, but it happens that it takes a su...
8 replies
04.07.2022, 13:41
Server back up
Do you have backup capability on servers? Since we are located at your place, and the situation is not stable, please respond.
Install ssl certificate
Good afternoon! You need to install a Let's Encrypt ssl certificate on the domain https://box.lanita-shtor.com.ua/ Important - with the possibi...
3 answer
28.06.2022, 10:05
Apps won't install on OneBox
https://prakt260522.1b.app What do I do step by step 1. I went to Boxing https://prakt260522.1b.app 2. Clicked add app 3. Found API added version i...
1 answer
27.06.2022, 21:02
An error occurred The connection to the server was lost
I can't create an order and a task. An error has occurred The connection to the server has been lost
2 answer
CRM not working! All digging work has stopped! Every hour we lose money!
This morning, all employees cannot log into CRM, the page does not load. Employees out of work, customers nervous! This is an unacceptable situatio...
5 replies
24.06.2022, 15:30
Address change
you need to change the address from atools.crm-onebox.com to 1b.app
5 replies
22.06.2022, 13:44
Not valid entry to misterparket.com
Not valid entry to misterparket.com Pardon 451 Your OneBox license has reached the maximum number of sessions I have an MVP box without the dії lin...
1 answer
21.06.2022, 18:11
The external IP address will be changed on the server
Good afternoon. The question is, will the external IP address be changed on the server, will it be enough just to change the IP in the DNS records ...