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List of related questions and answers «Reference books»

2 answer
Personal license
03.04.2024, 11:51
Bug, directory filling does not work
In the box https://apb.1b.app/ a guide https://apb.1b.app/app/customobject/1/field/ is configured, with a field of type Multilist products https://...
1 answer
06.02.2024, 18:20
When importing data into directories, the system hangs and does not import all data
When importing data into directories from a file in XLS format, the system imports data, but every now and then it shows an error and then everythi...
2 answer
05.12.2023, 11:02
Add the variable "TTN return delivery"
Good afternoon Please add to the directory of variables the field variable "TTN for return delivery".
3 answer
12.09.2023, 12:41
How the section "Configure autofill of fields" works (Object Designer block)
The system has a section "Configure autofill of fields" in the Object Designer block Where can you read how it works?
2 answer
23.03.2023, 17:53
After adding automation (when editing the directory), how to run it for the entire directory so that the fields on all lines are updated?
That is, there is a directory, one more column was added to it and a formula was written Now it is necessary for the system to write down this form...
11 replies
10.01.2023, 20:29
Do not show possible options if a certain field is not filled or the data does not match
https://univer.1b.app/desktop/ It is necessary not to show options from the directory if there is no match in other fields. Under this client https...
1 answer
Personal license
22.12.2022, 16:40
OS availability of applications on the phone
Tell me if it is possible to add the possibility to "Install on the phone" the application "Directory builder" https://take.ms/i3u3l ?
1 answer
Personal license
07.12.2022, 11:34
"Edit Directory Entry Based on Process Fields" based on process product subfields.
We update the entries in the directory based on the subfields of the process products with the action "Edit an entry in the directory based on...
2 answer
29.10.2022, 01:40
Refinement: automation by warehouses in the Designer of directories
Good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement, namely: add the ability to create automation for Warehouses.