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List of related questions and answers «Online forms and survey forms»

1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.02.2023, 19:22
When creating a new form, you cannot add fields
In this box: samboroborona,1b,app/app/forms/ Link to new form: app/forms/5/edit/ Screen 1282 with an example of the new form Please fix it. Found a...
4 answer
30.01.2023, 12:30
Form fields are not added
Hello! When creating the form, I can't add fields, a similar situation exists in several other boxes.
4 answer
Personal license
09.12.2022, 10:19
Evaluate Form Refinement
1. You need to add a field with country code substitution 2. The field mask should change depending on the user's ip-address. If it is determ...
1 answer
Personal license
29.11.2022, 14:05
Styles in head
Tell me, is it possible to prescribe styles in the head? An example of the code that was written in the head: <style> .form-group, .mb-3 { ma...
2 answer
Personal license
10.11.2022, 13:29
Improvement needed
Please evaluate the finalization of the forms, at the moment the required field in the form is highlighted and the text is displayed only in the la...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.10.2022, 11:25
Is it possible to use custom CSS styling for the forms we create to increase the competitive appeal of OneBox OS
Here is an example of the form as is: https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/form/0/6/ I insert such a form on my site, screen 1182. Here you can see ...
2 answer
Personal license
27.10.2022, 16:14
Getting the code to install on the site
Tell me, is it possible, after creating the form, to get its code for installation on the site and how to do it
1 answer
25.10.2022, 15:02
It is necessary to implement the ability to make records to clients
Here is a form https://b315226.alteg.io/company/61082/menu?o= It is necessary to implement something similar for recording clients, for example, fr...