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List of related questions and answers «OneBox plans and purchase»

OneBox update
Please update my OneBox to the latest version
1 answer
OS Migration Questions
Good afternoon. Boxed version. A few questions: 1. What is the transfer procedure? 2. Are contacts saved? 3. Is there enough server on Xeon 4/4/ssd?
3 answer
03.06.2021, 10:45
Upgrade OneBox to MVP Version
Please update our box to the MVP version
5 replies
02.06.2021, 14:46
What are the server requirements for OneBox OS
Good afternoon! Please tell me what will be the new server requirements for OneBox Os. I have a boxed version of Green-mvp. box.terem.com.ua
3 answer
02.06.2021, 11:18
Upgrade a boxing client to MVP
client https://7port.crm-onebox.com/ cannot verify your account upgrade, be a weasel, yoga boxing to MVP
1 answer
29.05.2021, 10:09
TIRE pattern
Good afternoon, Yuriy, I would like to cancel the subscription to the TYRE template from July
Onebox not working
A question for OneBox managers, if your partner's CRM stopped working due to reasons that are clear only to you as developers and the business ...
3 answer
20.05.2021, 12:44
upgrade to mvp
please upgrade our box
2 answer
17.05.2021, 08:19
Please upgrade our box box.trion-ltd.com to MVP version
Please upgrade our box box.trion-ltd.com to MVP version
3 answer
11.05.2021, 11:59
Questions about migrating to OneBox OS, installing a new system on my new server.
Hello, forum users! I wanted to ask a question in the topic: "Official clarification for customers about boxed versions, updates and OneBox OS", bu...