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List of related questions and answers «OneBox plans and purchase»

We paid for crm, but it disappeared
Good afternoon We paid for this SRM, but it disappeared Crm https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/ You can go look at financial transactions, there the pa...
0 replies
04.06.2024, 20:40
Non-compliance with the contract!
Good afternoon, I have a contract signed with you, I bought the old version of OneBox a long time ago, I bought the so-called “perpetual licenses f...
7 replies
28.05.2024, 12:40
License as a donation
Good day, friends from III OSHB want to install SRM One Box for inventory accounting. Is it possible to allocate one license to them?
5 replies
08.05.2024, 20:40
Switch to OS
Good afternoon, we have OneBox MVP (boxed version) on a third-party server, how to switch to the OS and what server parameters are required
0 replies
06.05.2024, 14:28
Update onebox
Good afternoon. Tell me how can I update my onebox system, it is located on our server, after purchasing it we didn’t really use it, I saw that new...
3 answer
18.03.2024, 15:52
Please delete my account
Please delete my onebox account
1 answer
OneBox upgrade to MVP version
Please update OneBox https://mebel.crm-onebox.com to the MVP version.
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
16.02.2024, 11:52
Download the settings of another box to the box
Please copy all settings From here: screen 111 Here: screen 222 Why should it be done? When the box was registered, the Client wrote that h...
1 answer
06.02.2024, 21:05
Can't complete my profile on forum https://1b.app/
It is not possible to fill out my profile on the forum https://i.imgur.com/o2Vsfjp.png , in order to update the data, you need to specify two passw...
Portal payment
Good afternoon, my company's billing ends tomorrow, nothing will happen, it won't come back if I top it up a day later?