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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

5 replies
09.09.2024, 21:15
The product is not displayed in stock, although it is in stock
Good day! Please tell me what needs to be done to ensure that the product is in stock, if it is in stock, but the supplier does not have it. For ex...
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9 replies
06.07.2023, 15:18
Product export does not work and import reports are not received
Good day! Product export does not work. Hanging from 03.07 "inprocess" Now I tried to download it again - the same situation. There is also a quest...
11 replies
05.07.2023, 18:10
Refinement of the product price calculation functionality
We have the following processes in our system: - List of supplier positions - List of client positions - Customer order 1. In the List of p...
Need help setting up Product Integration XML (Export)
It is necessary that the name of the category (Name of the category) be written as follows in the file Power tool Photo 1 a Product fil...
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6 replies
08.02.2023, 11:20
The action "Replace materials with the product from which it consists" does not work
In boxing: balistyka,1b,app Example problem: balistyka,1b,app/140/. The product ID:42 Straps on RPS was added to the task. We went to the "Passport...