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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

2 answer
27.01.2022, 14:48
Bulk change products field
It is necessary to update the Model field for all system products (translate into Ukrainian) When I do export import, fields id, Name and Model. Th...
4 answer
26.01.2022, 12:52
Warehouse balance no longer displayed
Good afternoon. We noticed that some columns in the upper header of the warehouses are no longer displayed, namely, I don’t see the columns “Purcha...
1 answer
25.01.2022, 16:44
Spelling error in the product card
Please correct "No" to "No". Thank you!
2 answer
25.01.2022, 15:04
Warehouse operations are not deleted in Warehouses
In the journal, I need to remove warehouse entries https://lazer01.crm-onebox.com/app/storage/tab/journal/ . I delete operations from top to bottom...
3 answer
The price recalculation does not work and the availability of the product is not indicated although the supplier has it in stock
1 Availability is not indicated in the product although the supplier has availability 2. recalculation of prices for many goods does not work if...
3 answer
error when saving the product card tab
when saving, it gives such an error and the taba interface does not save please correct
4 answer
24.01.2022, 16:00
Evaluation of doopratsyuvannya. Balance for the period
In the document templates, there is a note "Change of the balance for the period" Skіlki bude koshtuvati add to the header: -Category -...
2 answer
24.01.2022, 10:01
Minimum stock reserve is not loaded from file
The minimum warehouse reserve is not loaded from the xls file. I upload the file in the attachment, but the product does not appear in the minimum ...
1 answer
24.01.2022, 09:48
Product copy not created, error
Good morning. https://crm.ohrana.ua/ We cannot create a copy of the product, we get an error Video attached
2 answer
23.01.2022, 18:59
Make vendor dependency refinement Update minimum reserves based on sales
In the automation "Update minimum reserves in warehouses depending on sales", make a refinement so that, depending on the supplier, you c...