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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

1 answer
28.03.2024, 23:09
Execute a GET request with parameters
What variables can be used for a get request and how to substitute them correctly After creating the TTN, I want to send it to my server, but the...
Selection of goods
Good afternoon, such a problem. Those products that are loaded through the table - you can supply a non-whole number (for example - 1.5 m), those p...
5 replies
Product export does not work
Export of products does not work - a letter with a link to the export file does not arrive in the mail. Previously, emails came from no-reply@crm-o...
Good day. Please tell me how to display the columns "Shop price" "Internet price" "Wholesale price" "Purchase price" in the Products. The calculati...
1 answer
28.02.2024, 05:48
Limit on the quantity of imported goods
Tell me, are there any restrictions in the system on the number of loaded items in OneBox when importing products via an XLSX file?
Automate the addition to the purchase price
Good afternoon, how to automate the addition. It is necessary to add +125 to the amount of the purchase price and display it in a separate column, ...
1 answer
12.02.2024, 17:56
Adding Product Color
When adding a new color to products, it gives an error
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
10.02.2024, 10:24
BUG: Does not allow saving an existing additional field, gives an error An additional field with this identifier already exists
Does not allow you to save an already existing additional field with the type Dropdown list after adding new values Gives an error: An additi...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.02.2024, 10:56
You need to configure the action: Generate the name of the product according to the template
Please tell me what settings need to be made in the action Create the name of the product according to the template The goal is to form the nam...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.01.2024, 15:17
Filter by active product supplier
Good day, We have several suppliers for one product and we need a filter based on the active supplier in the product. It seems that there is su...