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List of related questions and answers «Managing Documents and Document Templates»

1 answer
11.07.2022, 15:57
Is it possible to print to different printers automatically in OneBox OS?
For example, when moving to a stage, a bill of lading is printed on one printer, and TTN on another. Or is it still impossible to manage printers f...
1 answer
20.06.2022, 15:02
Word document not opening in One Box system
Good day! The Word of the document does not appear in the One Box system (in the operator's office and the signatory), I see the pardon "4...
1 answer
17.06.2022, 11:19
Documents are not opening in the One Box system
Good day! The Word of the document does not appear in the One Box system (in the operator's office and the signatory), I see the pardon "4...
5 replies
06.06.2022, 12:42
Is it possible to compress a file in a PDF editor?
For example, there is a 10 mb file in PDF format. Is it possible to load it automatically from the action field and get the compressed file into an...
9 replies
03.06.2022, 12:57
How to change the height of the barcode in the price tag template?
How to change the height of the barcode in the price tag template? Now I'm setting up the template and it turns out to change the size of the b...
6 replies
19.05.2022, 09:27
Download Excel document
In MVP, it was possible to create a document and, when opening it, choose to download or open in Excel. I don’t find such a function in OS, please ...
2 answer
Personal license
02.05.2022, 12:25
Rate the completion of the "Write document" action
the option "to attach the XLS version of the generated document to the subfield of the process with type File" is required in the action ...
2 answer
28.04.2022, 12:46
Download document in pdf
https://crm.dobavki.ua/512188/ Procedure "Rahunok texture" When I click, the document opens in pdf https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/document/ma...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
22.04.2022, 10:32
Not practicing Knowledge base
Good day, today, when you know the basics of knowledge, we will take a pardon - be right, be kind. https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/knowledgebase/ S...
3 answer
12.04.2022, 22:55
Are you planning to improve the knowledge base?
Using the knowledge base is not as convenient as possible, except to search for the desired article through a global search, but if an employee doe...