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List of related questions and answers «Logistics and delivery management»

3 answer
14.03.2023, 12:14
Sender not found. periodic error
For example here https://rivcont.info/3649494/ There was an error https://take.ms/bxlYI , but then after 5-7 minutes everything is carried out. We ...
5 replies
11.03.2023, 11:48
There is no street in the list in the NP block, in the directory there is
There is no Kiev street, Lobanovsky Valeriy (Chervonozoryaniy) in the directory in the NP block. This street is in the address field when the S...
2 answer
08.03.2023, 15:25
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ In our box now, all settlements in the new mail are displayed in Russian. How to change to Ukrainian? T...
4 answer
27.02.2023, 13:16
Default personal account
When you change the default cabinet, the previous one remains ticked in the list of cabinets.
5 replies
21.02.2023, 11:50
Evaluate the revision of the removal of goods from the registry
We can evaluate the action on the stage or checkmark in the action "Delete TTN New mail" Thank you
2 answer
21.02.2023, 09:54
How to translate a list of addresses into Ukrainian
Good day! In business processes, there is an address field, it pulls up the branch of the new mail when filling But pulls up information in Russi...
1 answer
16.02.2023, 13:18
Does the integration https://1b.app/en/app/kazpost/ work?
Does the integration https://1b.app/en/app/kazpost/ work? It is possible to modify it in the same way as with NP - - formation of TTN, etc. there i...
2 answer
04.02.2023, 15:21
The action of automatic creation of tn does not pull data from the additional contact. fields
Here https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/workflowstatus/5123/action/new/ Action "Automatically create TTN" and settings (Fig. 1). It doesn't work. Here...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.01.2023, 11:52
Error Nova Poshta could not create a TTN
This is the error that pops up, screen 1260 This is the log it produces Please enter a valid phone number from the express invoice to show full inf...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
18.01.2023, 13:24
Sender index error.
Good afternoon! When manually created, TTN gives an error in the sender index. The index is indicated according to the data from the Ukrposhta LC. ...