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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

5 replies
28.10.2020, 21:19
settings icon
Filter panel off https://prnt.sc/v8we6d Filtration panel incl. https://prnt.sc/v8weq0 Correct it when possible.
1 answer
28.10.2020, 20:59
Glitch in the "files" tab
If it is displayed as a grid, then the menu is on the left. https://prnt.sc/v8vyop If the list - then the menu on the right. https://prnt.sc/v8vz5h...
5 replies
28.10.2020, 20:55
Add action buttons to title bar
Instead of the standard display, we propose to make it more minimalistic and compact. Now it looks like this. https://prnt.sc/v8webc 1. We suggest ...
7 replies
27.10.2020, 22:48
Disable display of sent product columns to employee
Can you please tell me how to disable the visibility of columns in the table of process products for a specific employee or position? http://joxi.r...
2 answer
26.10.2020, 19:37
Business Process Interface 3: Continued
Thanks for the previous improvements, much easier and faster work. We offer some more improvements that we discovered in the course of work: 1. Cha...
1 answer
26.10.2020, 18:42
Different inscriptions - is it normal?
https://prnt.sc/v78o0r The source/type of the product is displayed differently in different places. Is this on purpose or a glitch? https://prnt.sc...
4 answer
26.10.2020, 15:37
UI crash after update
After the update, there are questions about displaying some tables: https://prnt.sc/v73ufa (this is an account manager), while I have the same orde...
3 answer
26.10.2020, 14:27
Went layout in the bokeh of adding products
http://joxi.ru/YmEgJ7gsMqLjWA before all lines were underlined
7 replies
26.10.2020, 13:56
New date format
Where can I change the date format? on hh.mm.yy in the new release it seems you can choose, I can’t find it
10 replies
26.10.2020, 12:30
The size of the QR code when printing the CheckBox Fiscal Receipt
When printing in html, the Qr-code is displayed in a small size. PDF - layout is coming http://joxi.ru/8AnadyaIyWoD72 Also, the numbers 96 are disp...