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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

4 answer
26.11.2020, 09:03
Extra character (\) in the product name
A problem with the export of product names has been noticed, namely: Double quotes are preceded by a backslash (\) which can be seen in the xml fil...
12 replies
Personal license
25.11.2020, 17:02
Sorting and filtering in the product tables
1. Evaluate the sorting order by columns of the column when clicking on the column header https://prnt.sc/vpvfnq by analogy with the list of proces...
1 answer
24.11.2020, 17:32
Doesn't display fields according to condition
I set a condition in the interface: https://prnt.sc/vp8ayj That is, if the field is empty, it should hide the specified fields. But when the field ...
5 replies
24.11.2020, 13:30
Interface settings not saved
Good afternoon. The interface settings are no longer saved. I add 3 additional process fields to the Universal Block, click Save, returns to the ge...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
24.11.2020, 13:08
Improve display type setting for menu item with filtering
here https://prnt.sc/vp1tl3 It is necessary to finalize the setting, as in the BP groups https://prnt.sc/vp1u6b So that when adding such an item, i...
3 answer
24.11.2020, 11:22
Letter layout check
I'm editing the wrapper for the letter and I can't check the changes No changes occur at /templates/default/mail/index.html
1 answer
23.11.2020, 18:16
Product import block: a few problems
Problem 1: Does not import some products, although the article is copied from Box. product - https://prnt.sc/voixdy import file - https://prnt.sc/v...
5 replies
23.11.2020, 14:51
access to edit field
Hello, there is a field that is closed to everyone in the interface. The field is textual and at the beginning of it it is sometimes necessary to w...
1 answer
22.11.2020, 13:20
Block files in the product card: display bug
https://prnt.sc/vnrhbo The layout floated. Can you fix it?
4 answer
20.11.2020, 17:28
Glitch with font size in the knowledge base
https://prnt.sc/vmwyi2 Starting a new article in the Knowledge Base, the system writes that the font is 12. If you select all the text and set the ...