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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

2 answer
09.11.2021, 12:58
The system interface is strange
For example here Can I somehow fix it?
3 answer
28.10.2021, 16:30
OS - Enhancement - Collapsible Blocks
1. Add to the block header - information about the number of subprocesses. In this case, you can immediately understand from the block whether it i...
3 answer
28.10.2021, 16:03
OS - Bug - Empty filter fields
This bug never goes away. We reset the cache, updated the browser, deleted cookies, pressed CTRL + F5 - and after the next reboot of the computer o...
5 replies
27.10.2021, 13:44
OS where is copying the interface of a contact from another group?
Good afternoon. How can I copy the interface for a contact group from another group? I don't see a setting like this anywhere. In MVP, this is...
1 answer
Generic Block_Hide fields based on value
On the example of the process - https://kvplus.crm-onebox.com/41/ I output in the universal block settings - https://kvplus.crm-onebox.com/app/work...
5 replies
25.10.2021, 16:56
in the interface, the same field is displayed without the last thousandth; in the table, the number is displayed with a thousandth
Hello. Our Van Box does not display field values correctly (it removes numbers after hundredths, that is, thousandths are not displayed ... The tho...
9 replies
22.10.2021, 17:42
OS - Block Subprocesses
In the block of subprocesses, the arrow does not work when minimized.
5 replies
22.10.2021, 17:39
OS - Subprocess Block (again)
We fought so much to make this block look normal and it was convenient to work with it, but here again there are problems. - there is no way to rem...
7 replies
22.10.2021, 12:52
OS - Enhancement - Desktop
Due to the fact that there is no grouping by applications, the convenience and speed of work suffer. We suggest considering adding TABs to the desk...
4 answer
I can not uncheck the boxes in the processes.
https://dmnandk.crm-onebox.com/409/ There are two flags in the process, I can’t remove them. after saving or changing the stages are set again.