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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with online stores»

2 answer
11.08.2023, 12:00
At what tariffs does integration with OneBox work well?
Good day. Whose website works for Horosop, please tell me at which tariffs Horosop works for integration with OneBox?
2 answer
10.08.2023, 12:45
Product photos are not included in opencart
Good day. I connected the second integration with openkart, but the photos do not load Here are the settings https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/...
URGENTLY!!! Export of leftovers does not work on Horoshop
Good afternoon, since yesterday, leftovers have not been exported to good. Here is a screenshot https://prnt.sc/SzSGzykB-Egv
1 answer
08.08.2023, 16:50
There is no export of products from Onebox to Wordpress
Good day! Exporting products from Onebox to Wordpress using the automatic action "WordPress / Export products" does not work. 1. How to und...
6 replies
07.08.2023, 20:08
A bug in the export of goods to Khorozhop
Nothing was changed, but suddenly the export of goods began to take place only starting with the product 1006775 and ending with the product 100903...
5 replies
07.08.2023, 16:56
Good day. Please provide up-to-date data to integrate OpenCart version with OneBox OS.
5 replies
07.08.2023, 09:07
Issue with "Export Goods to Goodhop" action
The automatic action "Export goods to Goodhop" stopped working correctly. https://knz.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ The action does not reac...
1 answer
06.08.2023, 12:21
Unloading products on a well with conditions
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ In the "Export goods to Goodhop" action Here are the settings https://prnt.sc/3UlpyHPD0rG...
2 answer
01.08.2023, 11:11
restore categories from backups
restore categories from backups
6 replies
Output to the website of the article instead of the ID
Good day! It is necessary that the article of the product is displayed on the website. Now displaying product code screen1 There are settings...