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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with online stores»

1 answer
11.06.2024, tuesday, 21:46
error status in the action of unloading goods to opencart - failure in opencart
good evening, I am attaching a screenshot, while the action seems to be working, everything is being downloaded, updated in time. But bugs are noti...
4 answer
11.06.2024, tuesday, 13:43
Refinement of the Export users to Opencart action
You need an option for this action (Export users to Opencart) "Export only those users for whom there have been changes since the last export by th...
4 answer
07.06.2024, 14:27
No logs for the action Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)
The option is enabled, but the log is not created. Correct me please
0 replies
Personal license
05.06.2024, 16:41
Refinement of the action "Send process to OpenCart"
The action "Send process to OpenCart" https://i.imgur.com/JwxV3zZ.png works so that processes are sent to the specified site according to the logic...
1 answer
Personal license
28.05.2024, 16:05
Finalize the transfer of Coupons to opencard
Rate the update for the "Send process to OpenCart" action so that coupons added to the Vanbox order can be transferred to OpenCart. As a result, in...
1 answer
14.05.2024, 16:27
Transferring category ID from additional product fields
Here https://poland.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ There is automation "Export products to CS-Cart" These are the settings in the a...
Variations of products in WP are not loaded
Good day, there is a product with specified filters https://prnt.sc/F1LRn6_TP4nl Added "WordPress / Export products" action to the automation once ...
3 answer
09.05.2024, 19:59
Does not work
There are no instructions, the tick method did not help. It's sad here.
2 answer
Personal license
02.05.2024, 17:15
The import of coupons from Opencart did not work
Import of coupons from Openkart is configured in the system - https://i.imgur.com/CgJ1mly.png A coupon for 10% off the order has been added to the ...
There is a problem with setting up the export of goods
Good day, https://autopartex.1b.app/app/horoshop/ Please help with setting up the export of goods to the site. Currently, an error occurs whe...