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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with delivery services»

2 answer
14.11.2022, 00:41
Processes do not switch for some New Mail statuses
Good afternoon. Processes do not switch for some New Mail statuses. The problem is like here https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-delivery-ser...
7 replies
09.11.2022, 10:32
Simultaneous creation of two invoices
When manually creating invoices, sometimes two invoices are created with the same data, but different numbers. In the settings of the new mail acco...
1 answer
04.11.2022, 01:26
Evaluation: change of connection of new mail depending on the amount of Overdue payments
https://technoplay.1b.app/app/novaposhta-integration-new/settings/ we have a column "Amount for all time" (more precisely, "per quar...
3 answer
01.11.2022, 12:40
pardon ttn
Good afternoon, when trying to create a TTN, a pardon began to appear on the screenshots , please help me with the verses
14 replies
26.10.2022, 23:28
Finalization of the block "Ukrposhta information about TTN"
Guys, can you modify the interface block "Ukrposhta information about TTN", namely: add the information "Tracking the status of the ...
3 answer
26.10.2022, 13:55
Statuses of Ukrposhta do not change
Good afternoon! My statuses with Ukrposhta have not changed for a long time. Here is a link to all these orders https://our-store.com.ua/app/workfl...
Sender and recipient information is not pulled when creating a TTN
When creating a TTN from the box, information about the sender's phone and complete information about the recipient are no longer pulled Didn&...
3 answer
07.10.2022, 12:39
Incorrect number of places is substituted when creating TTN
There is an order https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/order/2763396/edit/ The NP indicates the number of places 2 But when creating TTN for...
1 answer
06.10.2022, 11:24
ERROR! There is no list of streets when making a delivery door-warehouse
There is no list of streets when making a delivery door-warehouse
2 answer
05.10.2022, 18:42
Install GhostScript on the server (TTN printing in one file UkrPoshta)
Good afternoon! Please install GhostScript for me on the server. I saw this task https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-delivery-services/15491-...