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List of related questions and answers «OneBox integrations»

3 answer
Improvements on Telegram
How many hours of programming will it take to finalize Telegram The ability to record a conversation and save voice communication when a client cal...
2 answer
19.08.2020, 15:13
How to specify several ALPHA NAMES for sending SMS?
Connected SMS fly, and there you can specify only one alpha name https://prnt.sc/u279og And we have 4 of them. Is it possible to connect more than 4?
2 answer
18.08.2020, 19:37
Automation every 10 seconds
There was a question: we want to connect the telegram chatbot to the CRM. Automation is important more than once a minute, because communication wi...
1 answer
18.08.2020, 16:44
Synchronized with Image CMS
It is necessary to make synchro with Image CMS. At least pick up orders and give away goods. Approximately how many hours of programming is needed?...
19 replies
17.08.2020, 16:24
Opencart integration not working
Photos not uploading to opencart The site was transferred to another host integration is configured and tested, host support is connected, we found...
1 answer
05.08.2020, 12:35
⚡ Transfer process to Google Calendar
⚡ Give the opportunity to go to the stage if the employee does not have integration with Google Calendar! Why such criticality⁉ Some may have integ...
1 answer
12.06.2020, 17:34
Connecting to OLX
Hello! Please add the ability to connect with OLX. Here is their API https://developer.olx.pl/api/doc
1 answer
29.05.2020, 00:16
Increase the number of connected channels in Jivosite
Hello! I ask you to add the ability to connect multiple channels in the "Jivosite site" application. https://i.imgur.com/HRNmkJj.jpg
12 replies
29.05.2020, 00:12
Expand the number of connections to the application
Hello! I ask you to add the ability to connect multiple resources in the "Facebook Messenger" application. Currently only one app can be ...
Integration with Yandex Money
Good afternoon. Please make integration with Yandex money. To be able to accept card payments https://tech.yandex.com/money/doc/dg/reference/proces...