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List of related questions and answers «Integration with cash desk and PPO»

1 answer
11.03.2025, 12:53
who will pay the fine
If the tax office issues a fine for incorrect details on a check, who is responsible? The store owner or the PRRO company?
failed to pass the value of the new field to the checkbox
there is a procedure configured, added a signature for the payment name option gender 19 (new) https://prnt.sc/335W9f0zQJ_y https://prnt.sc/EwZJDZE...
15 replies
Please update Checkbox apps
Good afternoon. How do I check if everything is set up correctly in the checkbox integration settings? I wrote to the integrator, it's freezing col...
3 answer
21.02.2025, 16:14
Critical update of PRRO operation via API
MRV A letter of happiness arrived ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Checkbox Date: Mon, 17 Feb. 2025, 16:34 Subject: ‼ Critical updatin...
3 answer
19.02.2025, 10:35
Innovations in PRO checks from March 1, 2025: Is there any solution?
Congratulations! Important question. Please pay attention. Please advise how to resolve the issue with the innovations in the PRRO/RRO that w...
3 answer
07.01.2025, 11:05
Fiscalization, checks
There is a need to set up fiscalization of checks for all orders. Our peculiarity is that we have many sole proprietors for whom we need to make ch...
1 answer
04.01.2025, 12:31
New Integration New Mail and checkbox
Creation and issuance of a check for an express consignment note from Nova Poshta from the Checkbox website https://wiki.checkbox.ua/uk/portal/cash...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
30.12.2024, 19:35
Required updates
Good day. Will you make these updates to the Checkbox app? ‼️ Mandatory update! New fiscal checks in accordance with the order of the Ministry of F...
0 replies
The company is not pulled up when installing the component.
Good afternoon. There was a problem installing the Checkbox component. When trying to install the component, it redirects you to a page from one ...
2 answer
Transferring the payment type to the Checkbox is incorrect
Good day I'm attaching a screenshot - tell me what the "obsolete" field note means? But can it somehow affect the work? The situation is that at so...