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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

Payment account is not displayed in the order
process example https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/10204/ the account is displayed in the general list but if you go to payment - no https://prnt.sc/PkA-W1...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
09.11.2023, 12:01
QR acquiring Checkbox&monobank
Checkbox and Monobank created the following service: In the Checkbox office, create a check, select the "monobank" payment type, set the ...
Payments arrive late_PrivatBank
Good afternoon Example of payment from banking https://prnt.sc/4-svF21btkNX of this payment in the specified OneBox account https://ukroptmarket.1b...
1 answer
08.11.2023, 12:56
Give an answer - Error 500 when going to LiqPay integration settings
https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-banks-and-payment-systems/17894-500-os... Integration ht...
The action_Importing processes based on Smart Cash receipts does not work
Good afternoon From 17.10 the action "Import processes based on receipts" stopped working https://rozumm.1b.app/app/smartkasa/ Perhaps this is due ...
BUG_ Action Monobank Receiving balance
Using this action we want to get the current account balance Currently we get this balance https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/app/payments/settings/acc...
Payments from MONO do not work
Good afternoon OneBox https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/desktop/ Example of payment from a client bank https://prnt.sc/sDJiCINJPfkk It is not available in...
Account balance as of date
Good day! Please tell me in which report you can see the balance of the account(s) on a certain date? For example, I need to know what the account ...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.09.2023, 10:21
Is it possible to connect to OneBox Privat-acquiring with payment through the terminal
There is a Privat 24 connection You can connect: - private account with cards - a business account with cards and a current account The question is...
5 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
13.09.2023, 12:23
Transfer of tax rates from Vanbox to Checkbox
Checks created through the Checkbox portal and through Vanbox are different. The latter have no tax rate. Can you elaborate? Here is a check create...