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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015898081 - Additional processing of payments for the process
In the parameters of the BP, an adjustment has been added, how to see payments during the process.
2015898411 - Dodana product development
The paper "Validity of prices of products fallow in terms of quantity" was supplemented.
2015897038 - Added fields to the process creation window
Added the ability to enter a field to the "Account" process in the creation process form - show only the account for the payment, as it i...
2015897745 - Added to the line of comments
In the "Comments line" block, a multi-implementation was added "Improvement of the SMS alpha-names fallowed to the process"
2015897685 - Added "Block search for goods for booking"
For "Block search for goods for sale" the following was added: - add information about the warehouse of products; - when asking, show onl...
2015897365 - Added new integration with sms service
Added a new integration with the sms update service my.smsbat
2015897442 - Added functionality of integration with Telegram
For dії times on the note "Turn Telegram notifications into a business process" a field with the choice of an additional field has been a...
2015897017 - Added "Search to process" block
Added a new interface block to the "Search process" process. In customizing the block, you can set fields, the block is displayed in the ...
2015897050 - Added to the implementation of the export of goods
For the purpose of exporting goods, the statutory order "Adjust prices for commodity propositions" was added.
2015896680 - Added functionality of access rights to stocks in warehouses
Added access rights item "Storage in warehouses: Export to": Permit these groups of koristuvachіv, as it is necessary.