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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015937777 - Added additional value display in progress
When entering in the additional process field with the type "Contact Adviser", the value was previously displayed as the id of the contac...
2015938211 - Updated in the "Integration of business processes XML (Import)"
For the "Integration of XML business processes (Import)" task, the "Additional field for searching the product process" was added
2015937802 - Updated in the "Know the process of product arrival and change the business process"
For dії "Know the process of the arrival of the product і zmіniti bіznes-protses" added mozhlivіst robiti perevіrku: if in the process in...
2015937797 - Updated for the block "Products from lists, de products from the process"
For the block "Products from lists, de products for the process" the setting "Turn on the display of products, as already added to t...
2015937787 - Added functionality for "Know the process and get it right"
For the "Know the process and get more precise" task, the ability to re-verify according to the additional fields of the product to the p...
2015938026 - Added the functionality of importing the application from Opencart
For the import of the design from Opencart, the setting was added "Check the difference between the price of the product in Opencart and the p...
2015882704 - Added integration with Vodafone
Added new integration with Vodafone telephony. Possibilities: - Strengthening private sms alerts; - zdіysnennya sms rozsilok.
2015936144 - Added the closure in the import section of payments for private
For the "Privat 24 Account card for physical education" account, the ability to import only input payments has been added.
2015935736 - Added to the task "Record the line of the first call to the contact of the additional field"
Added to the entry in automation once a day "Record the line of the first call to the contact of the additional field" For robots diy: 1....
2015936364 - Added field to /api/storage-balance/get/
Added the ability to pass 'barcode' to /api/storage-balance/get/.