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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015805796 - Added action "Delete all inventory balances and inventory history of products"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Delete all inventory balances and inventory history of products". The action deletes all warehou...
2015804744 - "Switch the owner depending on the role"
Added settings for the "Switch responsible depending on role" action: - allow the action to be triggered every N minutes; - change the re...
2015805220 - Added a setting to the action "Universal Import Products (xml/json)"
For the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)", the setting "Conditions for replacing text in a file before processing it&...
2015805016 - Added setting for working with warehouses
Added setting "When creating a warehouse, enable the setting "Can I sell from this warehouse" for it". For cases where the crea...
2015804188 - Added a setting to the action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field"
For the action "Calculate the value by the formula and write to the specified field", the setting "Round to multiples of N number&qu...
2015802062 - Improved the functionality of the action "Integration of XML products (Export)"
For the "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action, the ability to upload additional product fields as attributes for residues in the actio...
2015803634 - Improved the functionality of the action "Update minimum reserves in warehouses depending on sales"
For the action "Update minimum reserves in warehouses depending on sales", the setting "When calculating the quantity, take into acc...
2015802940 - Improved the functionality of the action "Write a value in the product field depending on the conditions"
For the action "Write a value in the product field depending on the conditions" improved: 1. So that when the condition is met or not met...
2015801632 - Added universal block setting
The following setting has been added to the universal block: "When you click on the save button in a universal block, save only it and not the...
2015802856 - Improvement of linking payments to processes
Added global setting "Business processes to search when quickly editing an actual payment".