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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015807725 - Added a setting to the "Import data from the Brain provider" action
For the action "Import data from the Brain supplier", the setting for the search for goods "Search products by combination of field ...
2015808661 - Improved the functionality of the "Import Products from Google Sheets" action
For the "Import products from Google Sheets" action, the "Replace dot with comma" setting has been added - it is used to import...
2015808522 - Improved functionality of integration with Asterisk
In integration with Asterisk, the setting "Add a prefix to the called number" has been added.
2015807616 - Added a setting to the action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee"
Added the setting "If there is no active supplier in the product, add the product to the purchase on the first one that is in the product and ...
2015807403 - Added new action "Automatically create a process on hung processes"
Added automatic action once a day "Automatically create a process on hung processes". The action checks according to the BP data and if t...
2015806576 - Improvement of the XML product import action
For the action "Import XLS/XLSX products", the setting "Names of brands to be ignored when loading (separated by commas)" has b...
2015806390 - Added a setting to the filter
In the product filter, the setting "Lookup field for filtering records by filter name" has been added.
2015806515 - Improved report designer block
For the "Table of tasks/orders/projects" block, the setting "Display only processes that match the field comparison conditions"...
2015806046 - Added supplier filter
Added the filter "Supplier from which the goods were received" to the section "Balances in warehouses"
2015802882 - Added a setting to the action "Generic Import Products (xml/json)"
For the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)", the setting "Clear additional product fields and summarize for further pro...