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List of related questions and answers «List of 2018 OneBox Revolution changes»

2015130520 - Refinement of copying actions from other procedures
In the procedures, the setting has been improved, which allows you to copy actions from one procedure to another
2015130983 - Added output of the Vendor field to the list of products
Improved the ability to display the “Supplier” column in the list of products, which displays all suppliers for the product for which the “active” ...
2015132126 - Improved action "Apply customer price level to process products"
For the action "Apply the customer's price level to the process products", the setting "Apply the specified price level instead ...
2015131694 - Improvement of the action “Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)"
For the automatic action once per hour “Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)", the setting “Minimum price for export” has been improved ...
2015130976 - Added product filter by supplier
In the product filters by suppliers, the “Without supplier” filter has been added, it allows you to filter all products that do not have suppliers
2015130980 - Improved parsing of letters from gmail
When importing letters from gmail that were sent to two addresses at once, there is a peculiarity when the “sender” field can be indicated in the “...
2015127891 - Improved setting for calling a warning when clicking on a procedure
Improved the ability to call a confirmation window when clicking on a procedure. To do this, in the interface settings of the necessary stages, you...
2015129067 - Improvement of integration with viber
Previously, messages from viber got into events immediately, and turned into tasks within a minute, it has been improved so that messages in tasks ...
2015129413 - Improvement of the action “Fill in an additional process or client field based on the active directory entry”
For the action “Fill in an additional field of a process or client based on an active directory entry”, the checkbox “Do not overwrite data in fiel...
2015123583 - Added BP action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”
Added a new BP action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”. Fires when moving to a stage and searches for processes with the...