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List of related questions and answers «List of 2018 OneBox Revolution changes»

2015555335 - Improved action "Check date in process and notify"
For the automatic action once a day “Check date in process and notify”, the settings have been improved that allow you to set conditions for the va...
2015556233 - Refinement of the table of process products
For the “Products in a table” block of the process interface, in the “use as a separator of thousands” setting, the ability to specify that thousan...
2015554774 - Improvement of the action “PromUA / Export products in XLS format”
For the automatic action once per hour “PromUA / Export products in XLS format”, the setting has been improved: “Ignore the availability text for t...
2015545958 - Improved action “Copy supplier field to additional product field”
For the action when saving a product card “Copy supplier field to additional product field”, the ability to specify the value “Availability from su...
2015544287 - Improvement of the action “Import data from the TOTOBI provider (Totobi)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Import data from the TOTOBI (Totobi) supplier”, the setting has been improved, where you can specify which ...
2015542334 - Improvement of the “Process Contacts” block
For the process interface block “Process Contacts”, the settings have been improved: - hide the possibility of creating a contact; - display only c...
2015545349 - Open TTN in a new tab
Improved so that when clicking on a TTN in the process, it opens in the next tab (previously opened in the current one)
2015538790 - Improvement of the action “Check the existence of a process by date schedule”
For the BP action “Check the existence of a process by date, schedule”, the settings have been improved: - do not filter by responsible process; - ...
2015540158 - Refinement of multilingualism for the product field “guarantee”
Improved so that the “warranty” product field supports multilingualism
2015539573 - Completion of the action "Calculate and write a value to an additional field if the conditions are met"
For the BP action “Calculate and write the value in the additional field if the conditions are met”, the ability to specify in the “formula” field ...