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List of related questions and answers «List of 2018 OneBox Revolution changes»

2015401957 - Refinement of unloading documents in xls
Now it is possible to unload semicolon values when uploading a document in XLS by clicking the button. To do this, in addition to #, sep has been i...
2015411314 - Refinement of process filtering by client
Improved the ability to filter processes of subsidiaries when filtering processes by client, if the client is a company
2015409912 - Improved action "Update documents in progress"
For the BP action "Update documents in process", the setting "Update the creation date of a document from an additional process fiel...
2015403327 - Improved process table editing
To display processes in a table, the following has been improved: - column TTN parameters; - setting “additional process product fields to display ...
2015407169 - Improvement of the action “Turn a call into a process”
For the automatic action “Turn a call into a process”, the setting “Additional field in which to write the number to which the call was made” has b...
2015396905 - Refinement of the conditions in the actions of checking the presence and reserve
For actions: - check the availability of products in stock; - change the stage of the process in the presence of a sufficient number of products in...
2014858879 - Completion of the Bonus Report
Added the column “Customer's company” to the bonus report
2014858879 - Completion of the Bonus Report
Added the column “Customer's company” to the bonus report
2015398531 - Refinement of the report "Warehouse needs"
For the report constructor block “Warehouse needs”, the ability to select a supplier from an additional field in the report has been improved. The ...
2015396935 - Improvement of contact change history
Improved so that changes made to legal details are recorded in the contact change history