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List of related questions and answers «Workflows»

2 answer
01.07.2022, 14:18
zaboronit facilitating payment without category
Good day. Orientate, what is the possibility in the process of making a payment without the specified category? We make a deal Make a payment Think...
9 replies
30.06.2022, 16:49
Create a process based on the value of an additional contact card field.
Hello! The process uses the "Create a process based on the value of an additional contact card field" action. The field is empty, but pro...
5 replies
29.06.2022, 18:01
The variable paid for revision has disappeared
In the "Copy process product fields" action, the "Decommissioned" variable has disappeared https://1b.app/ru/forum/changelog-20...
1 answer
28.06.2022, 13:11
Single vimir with floating point
Є business process with a list of products, є column іz univiru і kіlkіstyu. How to say, up to butt 3.5? I have the ability to put only numbers
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.06.2022, 19:27
Pardon The connection is not encrypted when entering https://prakt260522.1b.app/
On the client box https://prakt260522.1b.app/ pardon at the entrance, like on the screen Can you correct shvidko?
4 answer
27.06.2022, 19:01
Changed in OS
In the "Copy fields of process products" section, the "Decommissioned" change appeared https://1b.app/ru/forum/changelog-2020-o...
2 answer
Incorrect price in the global list of processes
In the global list of processes, the field "Product" will show the name of the product and its price. Ale price is shown without reductio...
Can't save order, can't process orders
Here is the process https://akmp.com.ua/1109/ when you try to save the order, it just freezes tightly and nothing happens to it. Errors occur on th...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.06.2022, 10:16
OS, In the task to be placed on the reserve more goods are available in the warehouse, diya Reserve the contents of the process in the warehouse
Good day, Winning in the process for automatic reservation of goods in the process when changing the stage to "Get paid". For the rest of...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
21.06.2022, 14:08
Can't change the step in the business process
Good day, We can't change the step in the business process, after pressing the button to change the "Pass. Confirmation" step, all bu...