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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

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19.01.2023, 14:48
Block "goods by table"
For some reason, balances are not shown correctly if you select an employee in the "stock" column 1 line - it can be seen that there are ...
Пользователь готов заплатить за решение 1$
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Personal license
30.12.2022, 12:06
Question for working out the action "Check the existence of the process by the date to plan"
At the stage https://myflot.info/admin/shop/workflowstatus/176/action/new/ there are actions to check the processes by the date to plan/execute htt...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.08.2021, 11:25
OS - share the pain when programming business processes
I decided to try a new form of communication in addition to my telegram chat https://t.me/icoloronebox iCOLOR OneBox - Helping User Entrepreneurs A...
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07.07.2021, 12:39
Refinement of the action Prohibit editing process product fields, except for employees of selected roles
There is an action Deny editing process product fields, except for employees of selected roles It has a choice of system fields and additional fie...