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Application Questions and Answers «WordPress»

Orders stopped coming from WordPress!!!
Hello! From yesterday, from 12:00, orders from WordPress stopped coming. What is the reason? Please sort it out
Product mismatch when importing orders from Wordpress
there is an action once per minute "WordPress / Import Orders" order 224846 arrived, in which the product is a bottle dispenser Although...
19 replies
10.06.2021, 21:58
Upload Wordpress Products
Good afternoon, there is a box (vzutik.crm-onebox.com) I need to upload goods to Worpdress (vzuto.shop) nothing happens after entering the data, wh...
1 answer
18.05.2021, 20:15
WordPress integration not working
Store: pro-myidi.com Onebox: promyidi.crm-onebox.com Data for integration on the screen: How to check if you can connect? There is a successful co...
3 answer
13.05.2021, 20:30
WordPress integration not working
WordPress integration not working. Store: pro-myidi.com Onebox: promyidi.crm-onebox.com Data for integration: How to check if you can connect? The...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.05.2021, 18:26
Wordpress products not uploading
Set up integration https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/shop/integrations/wordpress-5/control/ Added export action https://take.ms/X8fvl https://cab...
Status transition via Ukr Pochta!
Task 203603 On the status "Processing actions - create TTN", there is a transition to the status with the creation of a TTN of Ukrainian ...
9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
19.04.2021, 17:28
Export product category to Wordpress
Several sites are connected in the box, but we cannot export the category by name, since the names are duplicated. Can we do: 1) Search for a categ...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
08.04.2021, 16:39
Refinement of photo export in Wordpress
It is necessary to implement a reverification of the visibility of the image in the variation: Por_vnyuvati the image code at vіdpovіdі zapitu with...
9 replies
02.04.2021, 17:53
Grow the Remaining 100 Claims with WordPress
https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ It’s necessary to finish, so that when importing the application the appointments wer...