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Application Questions and Answers «BSG World Viber»

3 answer
04.04.2022, 11:10
bsg viber
https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/order/2155304/edit/ Process, the client has a mobile number with viber. Earlier integration worked, sent...
1 answer
25.10.2021, 11:07
Add to group based on message status
Configured action to send messages to BSG World Viber https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/308/action/new/ And there is also a...
3 answer
30.09.2021, 11:23
BSG Viber send statuses
Here we set up sending messages via BSG World Viber + sending status tracking https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/308/action/...
1 answer
31.08.2021, 11:29
504 error when mass mailing
When mass mailing via BSG World Viber, we noticed that it constantly gives a 504 error Filtered like this, there are 6k contacts https://rozpakui.c...
1 answer
26.08.2021, 11:06
Checking if a customer has Viber
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ Integration with a public account Viber + BSG World Viber is connected, we send messages to the client through the...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.09.2020, 21:16
What Viber integrations with third-party services can do
Please share who set up integration with Viber through third-party services: - BsgWorld Viber - eSputnik Viber What can they really do What pitfall...
5 replies
21.08.2020, 12:08
Viber integration
Standard integration with Viber does not allow you to write to the client first. The list of integrations previously included BSG World Viber, but ...