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Application Questions and Answers «Warehouse»

10 replies
13.06.2021, 00:38
Display of goods in warehouse operations
Hello! In the move operation https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/motion/109830/?productid= one item of the product is divided into thr...
Margin per order
process: http://box.labirint96.ru/admin/customorder/order/452425/edit/ 1. There is a sale of goods from a warehouse 2. The margin was calculated at...
Inconsistencies in write-offs for goods in the journal
First example the arrival of goods is 10 units, before that it was 0. sold 9 and the rest is 0. arrival 10 arrival in which according to the log ...
2 answer
04.05.2021, 12:06
Not showing all items in stock
In the balances in the warehouses, the list does not display the actual quantity of goods in stock, you can see the real balances only by exporting...
3 answer
Incorrectly unloads the availability of goods in the warehouse when exporting the feed to Rozetka
There are a number of products that are unloaded on the outlet. For this, a quantity is posted to a separately created warehouse. But this warehous...
2 answer
14.04.2021, 11:59
Item out of stock after moving
Moved the product through the process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/peremeshcheniya-mezhdu-skladami/194331... Product https://crm.m...
15 replies
06.04.2021, 12:24
Checkbox - Is it possible to reserve in this warehouse
Warehouse https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/storage/settings/names/26/ Checkbox: "Is it possible to reserve in this warehouse" - disabled B...
1 answer
29.03.2021, 18:11
CRM problem - warehouse bins are not loaded when products are posted
Vinicla pardon during the process of posting products to the warehouse, and itself: "warehouse cells" are not added in the field "re...
4 answer
22.03.2021, 11:00
Action Prohibit editing process product fields, except for employees of the selected roles
http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1915972/edit/ At the stage Waiting for availability Stage http://crm.mebelok.com/admi...
1 answer
Evaluate the refinement of the action "add all products from stock"
I need an action that could be put on stages or procedures. We have a standard "warehouse to move" field. I need the system to add to the...