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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.01.2024, 15:17
Filter by active product supplier
Good day, We have several suppliers for one product and we need a filter based on the active supplier in the product. It seems that there is su...
2 answer
10.01.2024, 20:26
The display of the "Product" field is lost
In all recorded records, the product field has been greatly compressed (to 7 letters per line). Due to this, it became very inconvenient to work wi...
8 replies
27.12.2023, 14:07
displaying category hierarchies
Hello. Is it possible to return the old view of the category hierarchy? Previously, the parent category in which I am located was highlighted (in t...
product names have been removed
for some reason, almost all product names were deleted (car tires category), please see what the matter is
Discount calculation
Good day. Tell me if it is somehow possible to configure that it was possible to apply a general discount to all products at once, so that each pro...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
16.11.2023, 10:13
Restoring the product description from the backup
Good morning, the content manager made trouble with the product description when editing the products. Please restore the description field for all...
3 answer
15.11.2023, 15:23
Evaluate product search enhancements by partial match
I ask you to evaluate the modification, in which in the product search block https://i.imgur.com/j46qFue.png it will be possible to search by a par...
Importing products, truncates text when importing
entered keywords for products in excel, when importing, the side cuts off keywords, imports a small chatina in a random city... https://prnt.sc/pSt...
Does not display filter values
There was such a problem. I wanted to make filters that would be in the form of a drop-down list and pull data from directories. But for some reaso...
1 answer
06.11.2023, 08:50
Product Display
Hello! In the https://topbox.1b.app/ box, products are no longer displayed in processes in the “Products by Table” interface block. example process...