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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

Does not display filter values
There was such a problem. I wanted to make filters that would be in the form of a drop-down list and pull data from directories. But for some reaso...
1 answer
06.11.2023, 08:50
Product Display
Hello! In the https://topbox.1b.app/ box, products are no longer displayed in processes in the “Products by Table” interface block. example process...
2 answer
The problem is in the product name
It's been many years since we've been using CRM OneBox, but some problems haven't been solved. For example, quotation marks in the names of compan...
Calculate the value according to the formula and write in the specified field how to add the change (name of the product in Ukrainian)
action - Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the specified field... I can't find a variable in order to calculate the new ...
Update of purchase prices
Good day. Tell me how to update the purchase prices of products. I have a process for the warehouse, there are write-offs and posting. At the stage...
2 answer
27.09.2023, 09:07
BAH stopped displaying products in BP
Products simply stopped being displayed in the product table. Although the final lines show as needed! Example https://askoart.1b.app/6663/
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
27.09.2023, 08:49
Adding products does not work
Adding products to the order does not work http://prntscr.com/ncZfVzdyIhE8
Products are not displayed in orders to the supplier
Good afternoon Products no longer appear in orders for suppliers For example, here https://tiva.crm-onebox.com/47994/ This problem has never been s...
14 replies
20.09.2023, 18:20
Request to display the field for transferring the RRP via the OneBox API
Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it possible to request a field for transferring the RRP via the OneBox API? The problem is that in order to set...
2 answer
20.09.2023, 14:43
Highlighting values ​​in the product table
There are 2 highlighting options: cell or row. If one product falls under 2 conditions with different types of highlighting, then both are triggere...