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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

BUG!! Pictures on new headings are no longer displayed!
Pictures are no longer displayed on new products, before products came in from the promo a day later, along with a photo, Right now, without a phot...
2 answer
19.11.2021, 12:15
OS - Bug - Products table in progress when inserting data
It is somehow strange and long to copy-paste the names and number of products from one table to another. You can somehow fix this and make everythi...
1 answer
16.11.2021, 19:39
The category of goods is not affixed in bulk
It is necessary to massively put down all products without a category - Category https://sst.1box.link/app/product/?categoryid=0 - select Select al...
23 answer
16.11.2021, 13:58
OS: Drop-down list in the filter by directory
Guys, tell me how in the product filter (which is associated with the reference book) to display certain column values, and not all column values? ...
11 replies
16.11.2021, 13:15
Photos are not uploading to the product card
Good afternoon. I loaded the product through the universal XML import, there are links to images in the history, but there is no image itself https...
7 replies
16.11.2021, 12:35
OS: Import Excel product filters not working
Guys, I just noticed that the import of product filters "Import Excel" does not work. Videos apply
how to find out who deleted a process
12 replies
15.11.2021, 14:32
Zero price for products
Good afternoon. There are goods with a price equal to 0, they are in stock and the price changes according to history An example of the first prod...
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
14.11.2021, 14:24
The system does not record in the history of the change of the product, even if it was added in front 0 or it was removed in the field article
Axis of history change by product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/64906/history/?userid=&filter2_key=va...
9 replies
13.11.2021, 21:47
OS: Refinement score for categories
Please evaluate the revision for the categories. Currently, only 10 default filters can be selected in the category settings https://monosnap.com/f...