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Application Questions and Answers «Hotline»

Export products in Ukrainian
https://luxshina.ua/ Action "Export products in XML format (Hotline)" Hotline requires product data in Ukr. language. Now the file is being formed ...
3 answer
12.08.2021, 17:19
firm and rate tags
Good day where values are written to the tags FirmName, FirmID, rate the loader has a stench, the prote is empty
7 replies
08.03.2021, 13:01
An error in the formation of the xml file for Hotline
Good afternoon, there is an error in the xml feed for Hotline. Help. thank you
Integration with Allo Epicenter
Hello, is it possible to integrate with Allo and Epicenter?
3 answer
integration Hotline.ua
Hotline integration Is it possible to transfer information about the method and cost of delivery from OneBox to Hotline.ua