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Application Questions and Answers «PDF editor»

5 replies
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
21.01.2024, 15:16
Quality deteriorates when signing from a tablet
Congratulations! We tested your application in practice and noticed that when signing from an Android tablet through chrome, the quality of the sav...
1 answer
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
11.01.2024, 13:14
What is the monthly cost of the app?
Good day! When connecting, it offers to write off 15 dollars, tell me the monthly cost will be 15 dollars? thank you
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.07.2023, 14:14
Does the application allow you to save the name of the prf file according to the template
For example, you need the file name to contain, for example: - file creation date - the name of the document as it is now - the amount of the docum...
5 replies
PDF editor, testing
Good afternoon, is it a false institution to send the application for a few days for testing. Or maybe a video about the features and possible appl...
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
06.06.2022, 12:42
Is it possible to compress a file in a PDF editor?
For example, there is a 10 mb file in PDF format. Is it possible to load it automatically from the action field and get the compressed file into an...