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Application Questions and Answers «Payments and cashbox»

3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.07.2022, 10:57
Additional payment
Good day, please pay the additional payment Payments and kas, you need to pay the amount of the excess on the account after the skin payment. https...
3 answer
12.07.2022, 16:55
in finance, you need to remember the logic of rozrahunka in the base currency.
Our base currency is the euro. If I put a cost (input) into the dollar kas, she wants to show her course - to go out a fool. And on the right, in t...
10 replies
08.07.2022, 14:51
Scored payments
Do not change the amount of the invoiced payment https://smile.1b.app/82/
5 replies
There was a glitch with payments
Our payments come to one account (from several Privat24 integrations) and we mark them in the one we need, and then there was a Bug and all payment...
Payments from the future and checkout errors - is it a Bug?
Previously, I already had a problem with decoupling a huge number of payments from orders and inconsistencies in the balance that arose at one mome...
3 answer
What does the checkbox "Install a payment client based on a link to a process when quickly editing a payment" do?
I need to implement trace. task: When linking a payment to a process, change the client in the payment to the client of the process. I see in the a...
2 answer
07.05.2022, 10:18
OS - Payment Cancellation
Tell me, is it possible to manually (not through the process) make the payment canceled? Or what is this field for?
3 answer
26.04.2022, 18:42
OS - Question
How to restore deleted payments in app. "Cashier and payments"? It would be convenient in each application to have a Recycle Bin from whi...
2 answer
22.04.2022, 14:12
Unknown amount in payments
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/payments/?filterdatefrom=2021-01-03+16%3A00&fi...
2 answer
23.02.2022, 11:13
Hide outgoing payments.
Good afternoon. Uploading payments from monobank\privatbank to onebox, how to hide outgoing payments and make it so that only incoming payments are...