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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

14 replies
22.01.2022, 16:23
Incorrect operation of the action Export users to Opencart
Buyer https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/shop/users/76577/ According to the action Export users to Opencart, it was uploaded to Opencart wit...
2 answer
21.01.2022, 13:31
Stopped pulling up orders in opencart
Integration https://box.vals.net.ua/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-1/control/ opencart After making changes to the opencart api files, 22...
8 replies
21.01.2022, 12:59
External ID is recorded every other time when importing a user from Opencart
The user is registered in opencart. In the box, the external ID is not written to all contacts. https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/shop/user...
1 answer
17.01.2022, 11:41
Updated order from opencart
Order https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/lead/1052182/edit/ It was held back in 2021, in January, and it closed a year ago. I look at the h...
4 answer
28.12.2021, 18:23
Stopped coming for opencart
https://41136.onebox-system.com/ There are dozens in the administration Before the attack, everything worked out fine.
16 replies
24.12.2021, 15:00
Availability statuses
We are passing values for the product from the additional product field "Product availability status" The integrator did this setting, s...
1 answer
21.12.2021, 14:42
Integration files
Where to download files for orencart store 3.0.7
6 replies
21.12.2021, 11:53
Photos not adding to Opencart
Good afternoon. The other day I added a product to the box (about 2k positions), the product appeared in the opencart, but without a photo. Product...
12 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
17.12.2021, 08:58
OS : Action setting not revealed
Hello! The pureperfume.1b.app box is not expanded for the automatic hourly action settings: Import products from opencart, upload to opencart and i...
3 answer
13.12.2021, 13:51
Images not uploading to Opencart
Here is opencart http://2152177.ke440350.web.hosting-test.net/index.php?route=product/category&am... (pic 1) There is an image in t...