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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

10 replies
23.05.2022, 12:57
Do not take advantage of products from OpenCart
Do not take advantage of products from OpenCart
38 replies
20.05.2022, 16:36
Need improvements on import/export of OpenCart users
Improvements: 1. Action Export Users to Opencart. The status of the exported contact in opencart should be Enabled, Approved=Yes, and the date of a...
15 replies
does not convey the Ukrainian meaning of the name
Here is the integration http://akmp.com.ua/app/opencart-1/settings/ Here is the export setting http://akmp.com.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ He...
How to betray the name in 2 languages?
There is a task: - transfer description and title in Ukrainian and Russian to opencart If you connect multilingual, it is not very convenient to sw...
opencart categories not loading
There is an integration http://akmp.com.ua/app/opencart/ Everything works in general - import of goods - export of products - import orders But th...
linkkey for unloading opencart products
There is such a checkbox the explanation says that if you enable it, then only those products that were previously downloaded will be unloaded. An...
15 replies
03.04.2022, 12:55
Can't import slogan from Opencart
At the same time, the importation stopped, and from the coristuvach it is duplicated gradually, it was possible to turn on the automation for impor...
1 answer
30.03.2022, 09:46
Opencart settings are displayed incorrectly
Here https://box.yerocolors.com/app/opencart-1/ Here is the mapping Please correct
Opencart does not receive orders from the site in the box
I had a failure of my provider, and the Opnkart website did not work. they recently recovered. I updated the API key, registered it in the settings...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
17.02.2022, 15:06
Files for integrating OpenCart with VanBox
Good afternoon. Send, please, files for integration of OpenCart version 3 with VanBox 5894939@gmail.com