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Application Questions and Answers «Bulk mailing»

3 answer
Bulk email on OS Box
Previously, on the MVP version, it was possible to select a process in the List of processes through checkboxes. Call menu to send email to process...
sms mailing
Good afternoon. Where is bulk sms in Onebox OS?
10 replies
05.07.2021, 16:33
Bulk email to selected contacts
Hello! Tell me, how can I select several contacts that are not in the same group for sending emails? I did not find a multi-list selection in Conta...
5 replies
07.04.2021, 15:05
Character limit in templates
There is a created template https://box.ltec.com.ua/admin/shop/users/smsmailing/template/ If I try to select it in a bulk mail, I only get the firs...
1 answer
29.03.2021, 19:21
It is not possible to send a mailing list to users
when trying to send an email we get the following error what could it be ? It used to work fine, how can I fix it?
3 answer
23.03.2021, 08:36
Subscribed to newsletter
Tell me, please, we did a mass mailing (e-mail) to contacts and letters came even to those who did not have a check mark "subscribed to the ma...
14 replies
23.02.2021, 18:40
Suggestions for optimizing cron work
I ran into a problem that after the launch of mass changes, the task fell into a minute cron and paralyzed the work for 2.5 hours. Sentence: 1. Act...
Spam is coming from our server. As a result, we were blocked by smtp hosting, after which the crm system does not work correctly for us
The technicians replied that "You have activity from the php side. php 30647 cen........neb 6u IPv4 5...........4 0t0 TCP m..........r.ru:5859...
5 replies
01.02.2021, 00:00
Viber mass mailing (business account)
Good afternoon Please help with setting up sending bulk messages via BOX We send single SMS through the action "Send universal message Viber/S...
7 replies
26.01.2021, 13:27
allow the admin to remove the personal settings for displaying process tables so that the admin can continue to save for everyone
Good afternoon! Tell me, is it possible to refine the setting so that an employee with admin rights can demolish the personal settings of the proce...