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Application Questions and Answers «Links»

9 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
06.03.2021, 10:30
є bp https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/postachannya-avto-shini-ta-zapchastini-vlas... when you go to the stage you see a pardon I un...
Autoclient Account Statement
I want to tie up a statement on another current account to the van box. A few months ago I already set up this integration, but now I can’t find th...
7 replies
12.02.2021, 17:46
Need to relink
You need to relink in the footer of the site to the following URLs: https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/litni-shini/ https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/d-13/l...
8 replies
10.02.2021, 01:57
transfer of IM onebox to another domain other than CPM
Good afternoon our CPM onebox is located on the domain admin.site.pro Is it possible to transfer the onebox online store itself to the site.pro dom...
5 replies
08.02.2021, 12:10
The product is duplicated when the "Button to add the product to the process" is pressed
https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/orders/6455-zadvaivaetsya/ same problem. When adding products, use the button https://prnt.sc/yozzjw to add the p...
3 answer
06.02.2021, 12:58
innovation box to MVP
upgrade the rest of my OneBox list to MVP
1 answer
Critical loads
What is the maximum number of API requests per second that the OneBox software can handle For example, at the same time there will be a request for...
No connection to opencart (api sessions are not created)
Here is opencart https://tradework.com.ua/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-2/control/ All accesses are registered and the integration worked, but n...
2 answer
25.01.2021, 17:10
how to fix allowed to attach files to the process in the office
butt https://integrator.com.ua/client/order/3080/ when you click on Add files https://prnt.sc/xlzzay - just flip up the side, but with the choice o...
7 replies
25.01.2021, 12:43
registration of leads for partners
good afternoon, we registered the lead by API, the functionality is not working at once, we wrote here https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/api-onebox...